Brews and Blooms with Wild Barrel Brewing – Cork & Stem

Nov 15, 2017

Delight in Quality Brews and Beautiful Blooms

At Sip Bartending, we invite you to dive into a world where exceptional beverages and nature's beauty intertwine. Experience the perfect fusion of craft brews and stunning botanical displays with our exclusive Brews and Blooms event featuring the renowned Wild Barrel Brewing.

Discover Wild Barrel Brewing

Wild Barrel Brewing, a shining star in the craft beer industry, is renowned for their commitment to producing exceptional brews. With a passion for innovation and quality, they have created a name for themselves by crafting beers that push the boundaries of flavor and style.

At the Brews and Blooms event, Wild Barrel Brewing will showcase their finest creations, allowing you to embark on a sensory journey like no other. Sample their carefully crafted brews and savor each sip, as the complex flavors unfold on your palate.

Unforgettable Atmosphere

Immerse yourself in an enchanting ambiance where beer appreciation meets botanical beauty. The Brews and Blooms event takes place in a picturesque setting where vibrant flowers and lush greenery provide a stunning backdrop to your tasting experience.

Indulge your senses as you explore a carefully curated selection of brews, each one inspired by the natural world. From hoppy IPAs to rich stouts, there's a beer to please every palate. Don't miss the opportunity to try Wild Barrel Brewing's exclusive releases, available only during this event!

Expert Tastings and Pairings

Enhance your Brews and Blooms experience with expert-led tastings and beer pairings. Our knowledgeable bartenders and brewing professionals will guide you through an exploration of flavors, highlighting the unique characteristics of Wild Barrel Brewing's offerings.

Whether you're a beer aficionado or a novice, our team will be on hand to provide valuable insights and recommendations. Discover how the flavors of the beers intertwine with the nuances of different botanicals, taking your taste buds on an unforgettable journey.

Supporting Local Communities

At Sip Bartending, we believe in the power of fostering strong community connections. Through the Brews and Blooms event, we aim to support local businesses and highlight the incredible talent of Wild Barrel Brewing. Join us in celebrating the art and craft of brewing, while also supporting your community.

By attending the Brews and Blooms event, you not only indulge in unparalleled sensory experiences but also contribute to the growth and success of small businesses. It's a win-win situation that allows you to indulge your passion for great brews and blooming botanicals while making a positive impact.

Join us at Brews and Blooms

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Brews and Blooms event with Wild Barrel Brewing at Sip Bartending. Immerse yourself in a world where beer and nature converge, and enthrall your senses with the finest craft brews and captivating floral displays.

Stay tuned for event details and ticket availability. We look forward to welcoming you to an extraordinary evening of Brews and Blooms!

August Orlow
This event is a must for beer and nature lovers.
Nov 8, 2023